Tuesday, December 16, 2014

To Tweet or Not to Tweet

(portions taken from October 4, 2011 post)

If you have not sent a tweet or even set up an account on Twitter....what are you waiting for?  Several people have asked me:  What is it?  Why should I use it?  How do I get started?

Twitter is one of several social media platforms available today.  Once you set up your profile, you can start off slow by following others who send "tweets:.  Who should you follow?  You can follow just about anyone or any organization.  You can follow your favorite celebrity, athlete, politician or almost anything else.  If you have never used Twitter and are apprehensive, once you select whom you are going to follow, just take a look at their tweets and you will see how different it is from Facebook or LinkedIn.  You only have 140 characters (including spaces and punctuation) to use in your tweet, so abbreviations are important and acceptable.  Once you start seeing how others tweet, you will want to get started and send out your own tweet.

What should you tweet?  Anything you think people will want to know.  Are you attending something special you want others to know about, do you want to send out a message to all your followers at once (such as your updated blog) or are you looking for new employment opportunities?  Whatever you have to say, the people following your tweets will want to know. 

Okay, ready to get started?  Here is the link:  https://twitter.com now just click on the link and create your own account.  I forgot to tell you the best part...it is free!  If you want to add someone to your following list to get started, feel free to follow my tweets @deniseanng. 

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner and President
DG Training Solutions, Inc. 

Email:  dgtrainingsolutionsinc@gmail.com

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/deniseanng

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/DGTrainingSolutionsInc

LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/in/deniseanngalloni