Monday, November 27, 2017

Thinking Outside the Box

Sitting down reflecting on my goals I had in the beginning of 2017 and how far I have progressed made me take a few moments and wonder what could I have done differently. Some of my goals I have met, some are on pace to be met by the end of the year, and some fell short. Was I too ambitious in setting some of these goals? Did I try hard enough? What could I have done differently?

In keeping some of the goals for 2018 and planning to crush them next year, I knew it was time to think outside the box. I am moving forward but not at the rate I would like to see my business grow. I’m excited to think outside the box and look at things in a new way. Sometimes you just need to step back as an observer and watch what you are doing. Don’t we all have great advice for everyone else? It is time to give yourself that great advice.

One of my goals for 2017 was to blog consistently every month. I have had this blog, Denise Speaks, since 2014 and until this year the blog posts were sporadic. This blog is my eleventh for the year. Goal accomplished! But I must tell you this is the last blog that I am writing. Beginning next month, I will do a video blog or a vlog in its place. My company focuses on communication and speaking, and video taping my vlog is the next logical step.

I am also incorporating some out of the box ideas starting in 2018 for my business. Stay tuned to see what I do!

What part of your business or career do you need to refocus on for 2018 and think outside the box? If you don’t have any idea, step back and observe what you are doing or ask someone who you respect their business expertise to help. 2018 is fast approaching, what a great time to try to be creative and think outside the box to help build your business or get your career moving in the right direction.

Until the next blog or soon to be vlog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.



YouTube – Empowering Women TV Show:






Monday, October 23, 2017

Give Yourself Credit

Have you ever had someone compliment you and you reply, “It was no big deal” or “It was nothing” or any other comment that diminishes what you did?

Why do we do this? We devalue ourselves or what we accomplished. Not only do we do this when other people compliment us, we do it with ourselves. How many times have you not given yourself credit for something you accomplished?

Instead of being happy we accomplished something, we beat ourselves up over the things we did not finish or did not work as we expected. Do you say to yourself, “Yes, I finished half of my to do list” or do you say to yourself, “I didn’t get hardly anything done from my to do list”? I find myself doing this and try to stop myself, but it is a hard habit to break.

We need to give ourselves more credit when we accomplish something we have worked on. I remember working for a company that had a luncheon for the employees because they completed a long-term project from start to finish. The project wasn’t as successful as we projected, and it was hard work, but we finished the project! We celebrated that the team worked together and finished a project, which was rare because we were always switching gears and putting projects on the “back burner”.

Do you give yourself enough credit? How about extra credit when you exceed what you were aiming for and surpass that goal? Do you mentally say to yourself, “I did better than I anticipated”?

Make today the first day to start the new habit of praising yourself when something is completed. If you can’t start there, try to accept a compliment instead of brushing it off like it was not a big deal and anyone could have done it. Maybe anyone could have done it, but you were the one who did! Now that is worth celebrating!

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.



YouTube – Empowering Women TV Show:






Monday, September 11, 2017

Keep it in Perspective

As I reflect on the horrible events that took place 16 years ago on 9-11, I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard about the plane hitting the twin towers in New York.

I was a manager at a jewelry store in the mall. Normally when we would close the store at night it would take up to an hour to count all the expensive pieces, pull them out of the cases, and lock them in the safe. This was the nightly procedure and we would follow the same procedure in reverse in the morning.

While huddled around the radio listening to the news reports on that terrible day, mall security came into the store and told us to lock up and vacate the mall. They had credible information that shopping malls were targeted in this terrorist plot. I was in charge in the owner’s absence and in ten minutes we were walking out of the mall front doors. All the merchandise was left in the cases, it seemed unimportant at the time considering the crisis occurring.

As we were walking outside an impatient woman was pulling and banging on the locked doors to enter the mall. She started to shout because the mall was not open. I assumed she had not heard the radio or television reports. I told her there was an attack in New York and thousands were feared dead, they suspected terrorists were involved and closed all shopping malls. Imagine my surprise when she kept screaming she had to return something today at the mall. She had no feelings at all for what the country was experiencing.

I tell this story on September 11th to show how some people are so focused on their own lives they lose perspective on what is happening all around them. There is a major difference in being focused on you and your business and keeping negativity out, then being self-centered and not keeping small things in perspective.

As entrepreneurs, we are always walking that fine line. Being a woman entrepreneur makes it even more difficult at times. Do you keep things in perspective? Does one thing that happens in your morning cause you to have a ruined day and not get anything accomplished? Do you then take it out on other people all day? As important as things are, let’s try to focus on what is important and keep the rest in perspective.

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.



YouTube – Empowering Women TV Show:






Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Stop Networking Now!

If you read this title you probably think I lost my mind. That is what some of my fellow members of a networking group I belong to thought when I told them I was not rejoining. “But you have to network” people keep telling me.

Let me clarify, I still network but now I network smart. The problem I find with networking is everyone goes to networking events and joins groups to keep making connections. Some people treat it like a game to collect as many business cards as they can. Is that really networking?

For the past three years I have joined free networking groups and fee paid networking groups. I have even collected my fair share of business cards. I realized that in my eternal search for the “perfect” connection, I am missing out on developing relationships with people I have met previously. The only way people will refer business to you is if they know what you do and that can’t be accomplished by listening to someone’s sixty second commercial in a networking setting.

My new focus is reconnecting with people I have met and building those relationships. Isn’t this the true definition of networking, building mutually beneficial relationships?

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.



YouTube - Empowering Women TV Show: 





Monday, July 17, 2017

Just Do IT!

Did you just picture a Nike commercial when you read the title of this month’s blog? Did you ask yourself “do what”?

What is "IT"? Although this sounds like a jeopardy question, it can be a question that may change your life. And only you know what “IT” is.

In December, I was honored to be interviewed about my business on a television show for a community cable channel. While the camera man was setting up the lights and camera, I couldn’t help but think how cool this would be to do this all the time. “Who can I talk to about getting my own TV show?” I asked the question before I had a chance to think about the possible responses. It turned out that the camera man was the same person who creates the shows for the station. “Me, what type of show do you want to do?” he asked.

I could have said I would get back to him when I had an idea, but this was my chance.  Just Do IT! I told him I wanted my own interview show, but was unclear in what direction I wanted my show to go. He told me to get back to him with a proposal. I had to submit a proposal, including the name and logo.  Six months later my show Empowering Women aired.

A year ago, I would have never imagined that I would be hosting as well as producing a TV show. In the moment, I jumped in without looking back. It paid off, as of this blog, I have been the host and producer of four episodes so far. The feedback has all been positive!

What are you holding back on? Sometimes you need to Just Do IT and see what happens. “What if I fail?” You may ask yourself this question. What if you don’t fail? What if you never Do IT and always wonder what could or would have been. “Just Do IT”. You may be surprised at the outcome.

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.







Monday, June 19, 2017

Smile, You're on YouTube!

Back in 1947 there was a radio show called “The Candid Microphone”. Never heard of it? I have never heard of it either until I did some research recently. This radio show led to a television show most of you have heard of Candid Camera.  The original Candid Camera debuted on television in 1948 and was on until the 1970’s. It even made other appearances through the years with different hosts.

If you never watched Candid Camera, I can describe the show for you. Something would happen to a person (an intentional prank usually), the person would be shocked or embarrassed. After the audience would laugh, the host would say the famous words, “Smile, you’re on Candid Camera”, then the person who was embarrassed would laugh and know it was a joke.

If you think about the premise of the show, someone doing something funny, recording it, and showing it later to get laughs, does this sound familiar? Hello, this is YouTube, the Candid Camera of today!

While many of us have watched or recorded a YouTube video, we can probably agree they can be a time waster. Once you start watching the baby doing something silly or the dogs opening the front door, you find that they are entertaining and you end up watching a few more.  Everyday people can become a celebrity overnight when a YouTube video goes viral. Suddenly, they are an internet sensation.

Can YouTube help your business? Absolutely! You can record short videos about your business, training videos, or speeches. Once you have the material, you can create your very own YouTube channel, and upload the material. Unlike Facebook where it becomes difficult to find a video you once recorded, everything is listed on your YouTube channel. Viewers can like, share and post comments on your videos. If they like your videos, viewers can subscribe to your channel to get notifications of your new material.

If you are giving a presentation or doing a webinar, why not record it and add it to your channel? YouTube is the second most popular social media platform behind Facebook. This can be a great addition to your social media marketing plan.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.











Saturday, May 27, 2017

It Is Good to Be Different!

I have a confession to make…I am a serial networker. I love networking and meeting new people. I love to be able to refer them to others I know and help build beneficial relationships.

I started networking in 2007 while trying to find an opportunity in the training and development industry. I had just finished my master’s degree and was ready to get my dream job. But changing careers and especially industries, isn’t easy. You have to get out there and meet people. That is why in 2007, I started networking and have never stopped.

One thing I notice when I network is certain industries have many people networking and trying to obtain clients. Recently at a networking event, I noticed a few real estate agents, insurance agents and financial advisors. And this was all in one room! As they each gave me their “60 second commercial” I had the same thought, I would not remember one from the other tomorrow morning.

A mistake I see is people not taking the time to show how they are different from others in the same industries. Don’t just say, I can help you plan for your financial future. Mention something that will get their attention. “Wouldn’t it be nice to visit your children and grandchildren across the country without having to worry about the additional expenses on your tight budget after retirement”? This would stand out in my mind more than “I can help you plan for your financial future”. Draw a picture they can see, and remember. This will distinguish you from the others in the room.

It is good to be different! Tell your prospective clients why you are different and what you can do for them. Once you get into the habit of reframing your commercial to include this strategy, you will be surprised at the reactions you receive.

Coco Chanel once said, “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different”.

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions Inc.







Monday, April 24, 2017

What are you telling yourself?

I recently started to read Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” which was written in 1937. I have had this book for a few years and never read it. When I saw a local mastermind group forming dedicated to Think and Grow Rich, I knew it was a sign for me to join the group and finally read the book.

While only a few chapters into the book, one chapter resonated with me…autosuggestion. If you have never heard of this term, think of the law of attraction. Positive thoughts cause possible outcomes. Your autosuggestion will go into your subconscious mind and you will become what you believe you are.

Wow, how many times in the past did I think to myself, “I am not ready to give this presentation”, “I did not study enough and will not do well on this test”, and my favorite…”I will never get my bills paid off”?

Why do we put these negative thoughts into our minds? As a woman, I think it is easier for us to think we don’t deserve success or we are not good enough. Why are we defeating ourselves every day?

The next time you have a negative thought about yourself, your business, or your ability…stop yourself. Focus on autosuggestion by telling yourself you will be successful or will do a great job or will get out of debt.

Start today. Instead of being upset because you only crossed off half of your to do list, be happy you got 50% of your list done. Focus on the positives and you will notice your outlook will not be the only thing to improve!

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.







Sunday, March 19, 2017

Of course it makes perfect sense!

I remember it as it happened yesterday.  I was sitting in the audience at a Toastmasters function listening to the 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LaCroix, presenting a workshop.  Darren was speaking about trying to break into the business of stand-up comedy. His mentor told him never pass up an opportunity to perform.

Darren calls this “Stage Time, Stage Time, Stage Time” and this is his mantra in which he strongly believes. 

Of course, this makes perfect sense.  If you want to be great, you need to practice, practice, and practice.  If you want to be great in public speaking, you need stage time.

I never pass up an opportunity to speak in public.  It may be at my Toastmasters club when they ask if anyone can fill in and do an impromptu speech, or it may only be at a board meeting when I have to address my fellow board of directors.  It may be reading the past minutes from a meeting in a business networking group that I am a member.  This is all stage time.

To be an effective public speaker, you need to be a great communicator.  Hence…stage time, stage time, stage time as fellow Toastmaster Darren tells everyone.

Public Speaking means a variety of things to different people.  You may not have any aspirations to stand up in front of an audience of 1,000 people.  Public Speaking to you may mean teaching a workshop, giving a presentation during a staff meeting in your organization, or standing up in front of your congregation and reading scripture.  This is all public speaking!

Practice, practice, practice and you will see improvement.  But better yet, others will see your improvement.

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.








Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I Was Ready With a Plan B

I am a firm believer of always double checking everything before a presentation and having a Plan B in case something goes wrong.

That is exactly what I did last summer while preparing for a workshop I was presenting for 65 people. I saved my slides on a USB in case my computer didn’t want to work. I was ready! I made sure my computer was fully charged as well as brought my adapter, just in case. I was ready! I tried my projector, had extra batteries for my presenter and wrote down all my passwords I needed for the presentation in case I became logged out. I was ready! I even went out the day before and bought a 15-foot extension cord just in case I needed one. I was ready!

The day of the workshop I showed up an hour early to setup. The outlet was far from where my laptop and projector would be placed. Whew, I thought, good thing I brought an extension cord. When I went to plug my projector into the extension cord I couldn’t. My extension cord was 2- prong and the projector needed a 3-prong extension cord. What? Are you kidding me? These were the questions running through my head. I just kept holding the extension cord and the projector cord willing it to fit. It didn’t. Who would have thought to plug everything into the extension cord to see if it worked? Not me.

Always have a Plan B or C. No matter how much you double and triple check, something always seems to happen. Lesson learned.

Oh, my Plan C, the presenter scheduled after me had an extension cord and I used hers.

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.






Thursday, January 26, 2017

Be Like Batman: Be Recognizable

I was at a celebrity autograph convention a few years ago, and was lucky enough to meet Adam West (aka Batman from the 60’s television show).  He was very funny and entertaining while answering the audience questions. When he walked into the room everyone yelled Batman.

A year or so later, I was watching The Big Bang Theory and Adam West was a guest star.  The guys on the show were driving Adam West somewhere when they started to discuss the various actors who have played Batman.  When they asked him what he thought about the actors he replied, “They walk into a room and say:  I am Batman. I never had to do that. I walked into a room and everyone knew I was Batman”.

What happens when you walk into a room? Do people say there’s Denise she does something with training and talks to people or do they say she works with organizations training their employees and teaches workshops to help people grow their skills?  Do people know what you do?  Do you know what you do?  Okay, you know what you do, but do you explain it to the people you meet so they can understand what you do?

If you have more than one business, do you confuse people by giving them too much information about all your businesses and they can’t remember what you do at all? Or do you customize what you say when you meet someone anticipating their needs? When you meet a potential client, only give the information you think they will need or want to hear that is applicable to them.

When we think about Batman, we can visualize what he looks like and what he can do.  Be like Batman, make yourself clear and concise when you are explaining your business and you will be remembered.  “Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane” …okay just kidding!

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.




