Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Did the Light Bulb turn on?

Did someone ever say something to you and you felt the light bulb go on over your head like in the old cartoons?  All of a sudden you got it!  Wow you thought, that is so true or now I understand it completely! 

This has happened to me a few times.  Someone said something that resonated with me so much I have added to my mantras and it has shaped me into the person I am today.

One time was in my very first college course.  It was an Accounting I class.  I don’t know why I picked Accounting I as my first class when I decided to return to school while working full time, but I did.

The professor told a story about when he was in the military and his commanding officer gave him some advice.  He told him to take advantage of everything available to learn while he was there.  If they offer a knitting class (he actually used knitting as an example), take it.  You never know when this knowledge will be useful.  "No one can ever take away the knowledge you have learned and knowledge is power".

This experience was too many years ago to tell you how many, but I always kept that in the back of my mind.  If someone was offering a free webinar, I signed up for it.  If there was workshop that was in my price range, I signed up for it.  I read books with subjects I didn’t know anything about and articles not necessarily in my industry or in my area of expertise to gain additional knowledge.   

So what’s the point of this blog you may be wondering?  Following this mantra has encouraged me to be exposed to subjects that normally I would have skipped or been intimated by.  This philosophy has given me an endless supply of speech material and now an idea for this blog.

I don’t remember that professors name after all these years, but I wish I could to tell him what an effect that story from his military career had on one nervous student sitting in the first row.

By the way, I passed Accounting I and went on to take several other Accounting classes.  I may not ever use the theory of LIFO/FIFO, or cost accounting, but no one can ever take that knowledge away from me.

What is the mantra that you follow?  How has it impacted you?

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.




