I remember it as it happened yesterday. I was sitting in the audience at a Toastmasters function listening to the 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LaCroix, presenting a workshop. Darren was speaking about trying to break into the business of stand-up comedy. His mentor told him never pass up an opportunity to perform.
Darren calls this “Stage Time, Stage Time, Stage Time” and this is his mantra in which he strongly believes.
Of course, this makes perfect sense. If you want to be great, you need to practice, practice, and practice. If you want to be great in public speaking, you need stage time.
I never pass up an opportunity to speak in public. It may be at my Toastmasters club when they ask if anyone can fill in and do an impromptu speech, or it may only be at a board meeting when I have to address my fellow board of directors. It may be reading the past minutes from a meeting in a business networking group that I am a member. This is all stage time.
To be an effective public speaker, you need to be a great communicator. Hence…stage time, stage time, stage time as fellow Toastmaster Darren tells everyone.
Public Speaking means a variety of things to different people. You may not have any aspirations to stand up in front of an audience of 1,000 people. Public Speaking to you may mean teaching a workshop, giving a presentation during a staff meeting in your organization, or standing up in front of your congregation and reading scripture. This is all public speaking!
Practice, practice, practice and you will see improvement. But better yet, others will see your improvement.
Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!
Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President
DG Training Solutions, Inc.
Website: https://www.DGTrainingsolutionsinc.com
Email: dgtrainingsolutionsinc@gmail.com
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