Thursday, January 31, 2019

Be Productive One Bite at a Time

When I decided to start my own business nearly 5 years ago, I didn't know where to even begin.

One day I sat down and made a list of everything I needed to do. I wrote everything from deciding what to call my company, open a checking account, website, logo, email, and the list went on and on. In fact, I had 4 pages of things that I needed to do.

Talk about feeling overwhelmed! I took a deep breath (okay, truth be told I took several and had a mild panic attack) and remembered an old saying "How do you eat an small bite at a time". I started to formulate a plan.

The plan was to do what needed to be done first. It would be fun to design my first business card, look at logos but first I needed a name for my company. Before I even came up with a name I had to make an appointment with my accountant and lawyer to decide how my company would be structured.

I grouped the tasks into groups: needs done now, needs done in first three months, needs done in first six months, and eventually will have to do. I went through those four pages of the to do list and moved them into the specific group. Once I looked at what really needed done ASAP, the list was not that intimidating. I crossed everything off that list and moved to the first three months category. I felt successful and continued my journey until the list was complete within the first year of business.

Remember, a journey is going from one place to another. There are many steps (or bites) before you get to your destination. Treat your to do lists the same way. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.


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