Each social media platform could have its own blog because there is so much to talk about. Today I just want to focus on LinkedIn.
If something happened and you lost your employment, would your LinkedIn profile be ready to go and get you the job you want? Is your information current? Do you keep adding to your connections? Was your photo taken within the last two years? Did you add all your accomplishments or any new skills you learned?
If you answered no to any of these questions, it is time to freshen up that profile. I know you are thinking it is too much work, too much time, and you don’t want the hassle. But what if you lost your job today? With everything you would need to focus on tomorrow such as signing up for unemployment, working on your resume, recalculating your budget, start calling your connections, why add updating your LinkedIn to your to do list?
The best way to keep your profile updated is to look at it monthly and add new things as they occur. Here are a few tips to get you started:
1. Make
sure you have an updated professional looking picture
2. Add
your current job and responsibilities
3. Change
your heading to something catchy such as experienced ____ or proven ______
4. Keep
adding connections and follow up with the important ones whenever you receive a
notification that they have a work anniversary, birthday, or new status
5. Continuously
add your new skills and any achievements
These five things should not take very long, and your profile will be ready for 2019. Don’t forget to look at other profiles in any associations you belong to and your other social media platforms. A few minutes today will save you time in the future.
Don’t forget to check out my limited time free online masterclass: Present like a Pro: Keep your Audience Engaged from Start to Finish. Visit my website for details and to register at https://www.dgtrainingsolutionsinc.com
Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!
Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President
DG Training Solutions, Inc.
Website: https://www.DGTrainingsolutionsinc.com
Email: dgtrainingsolutionsinc@gmail.com
YouTube – Empowering Women TV Show: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkS-fsSVzGlE5SI_yg3I8ZAGn3GB4DglO
Twitter: https://twitter.com/deniseanng
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DGTrainingSolutionsInc
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/deniseanngalloni
Blog: http://DGTrainingsolutionsinc.blogspot.com