One of the most popular questions I get asked about presenting pertains to…questions. Seriously, the questions range from how do you handle questions during your presentation, do you even take questions, or do you wait until the end to answer them.
The answer depends on the situation. If I am doing a training and it is several hours long, I will stop to answer questions as they come up. My main goal is to ensure the audience leaves with an understanding of the material, that is why the company paid me to be there.
If I am doing a presentation that is short, under an hour, I usually take questions at the end. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. While going over the agenda at the beginning of the presentation I may say, “In order to cover all the material I am asking you to jot down your questions and I will answer them at the end”.
If I am delivering a speech which is more motivational or inspirational than informative, questions from the audience should not be an issue. Although I will try to answer as many questions as I can at the end of all my presentations.
Another tip would be to incorporate some of the frequently asked questions into your presentations. It becomes tricky to answer questions during your presentations. Sometimes a question will take you away from where you want to be in your talk. At times, the question will spark the other attendees to ask a question unrelated to your presentation but related to the question that took you off topic. Once a question is asked, others may feel they want to ask questions at that moment. This may cause you to run out of time.
To take a question or not? That is a good question. What are your thoughts on questions?
Until the next blog or video blog, Keep Speaking!
Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President
DG Training Solutions, Inc.
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