Sitting down reflecting on my goals I had in the beginning of 2017 and how far I have progressed made me take a few moments and wonder what could I have done differently. Some of my goals I have met, some are on pace to be met by the end of the year, and some fell short. Was I too ambitious in setting some of these goals? Did I try hard enough? What could I have done differently?
In keeping some of the goals for 2018 and planning to crush them next year, I knew it was time to think outside the box. I am moving forward but not at the rate I would like to see my business grow. I’m excited to think outside the box and look at things in a new way. Sometimes you just need to step back as an observer and watch what you are doing. Don’t we all have great advice for everyone else? It is time to give yourself that great advice.
One of my goals for 2017 was to blog consistently every month. I have had this blog, Denise Speaks, since 2014 and until this year the blog posts were sporadic. This blog is my eleventh for the year. Goal accomplished! But I must tell you this is the last blog that I am writing. Beginning next month, I will do a video blog or a vlog in its place. My company focuses on communication and speaking, and video taping my vlog is the next logical step.
I am also incorporating some out of the box ideas starting in 2018 for my business. Stay tuned to see what I do!
What part of your business or career do you need to refocus on for 2018 and think outside the box? If you don’t have any idea, step back and observe what you are doing or ask someone who you respect their business expertise to help. 2018 is fast approaching, what a great time to try to be creative and think outside the box to help build your business or get your career moving in the right direction.
Until the next blog or soon to be vlog, Keep Speaking!
Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President
DG Training Solutions, Inc.
YouTube – Empowering Women TV Show: