Did you just picture a Nike commercial when you read the title of this month’s blog? Did you ask yourself “do what”?
What is "IT"? Although this sounds like a jeopardy question, it can be a question that may change your life. And only you know what “IT” is.
In December, I was honored to be interviewed about my business on a television show for a community cable channel. While the camera man was setting up the lights and camera, I couldn’t help but think how cool this would be to do this all the time. “Who can I talk to about getting my own TV show?” I asked the question before I had a chance to think about the possible responses. It turned out that the camera man was the same person who creates the shows for the station. “Me, what type of show do you want to do?” he asked.
I could have said I would get back to him when I had an idea, but this was my chance. Just Do IT! I told him I wanted my own interview show, but was unclear in what direction I wanted my show to go. He told me to get back to him with a proposal. I had to submit a proposal, including the name and logo. Six months later my show Empowering Women aired.
A year ago, I would have never imagined that I would be hosting as well as producing a TV show. In the moment, I jumped in without looking back. It paid off, as of this blog, I have been the host and producer of four episodes so far. The feedback has all been positive!
What are you holding back on? Sometimes you need to Just Do IT and see what happens. “What if I fail?” You may ask yourself this question. What if you don’t fail? What if you never Do IT and always wonder what could or would have been. “Just Do IT”. You may be surprised at the outcome.
Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!
Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President
DG Training Solutions, Inc.
Website: https://www.DGTrainingsolutionsinc.com
Email: dgtrainingsolutionsinc@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/deniseanng
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LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/deniseanngalloni
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/DG-Training-Solutions-Professional-Development-Meetup/