Sunday, July 19, 2015

Stop Eating the Hors D'oeuvres!

I recently came across an article I read a few years ago, “Stop Eating the Hors D’oeuvres & Talking to People You Already Know” by Larry Lewis who was at the time of writing this article President of Total Development, Inc. and affiliate of Sanders Sales Institute.  The article lists steps for being successful at networking events. 

This reminded me of my first networking event that I attended in 2007 for PAPEN (Pennsylvania Professional Employee Network).  I walked into the room and didn’t know a single person.  The majority of attendees were men and I didn’t even know how to start networking.

The first thing I did was go over to grab a cup of tea and a plate of cheese.  This strategy gave me time and the courage to plan my next steps and figure out how to do the whole networking thing!

Slowly, I left the Hors D’oeuvres table and walked over to a small group of people and started talking.  The first couple of conversations were tough.  I didn’t know what to say or what to ask.  By the end of the evening I think everyone in the room knew my name and what type of job I was looking for.

It was at that point I became a Serial Networker or Networking “Junkie”, and have never stopped meeting new people.  I love to meet new people and find out what they do.  Sometime I find they can help me with a business lead.  Other times I am able to help them.  I have even found people that I have no common business interests with or in their industries I have learned a great deal from.

Networking is about building relationships.  Don’t be afraid to pass up the Hors D’oeuvres table and meet new people.  Remember, it is not always who you know, but who knows you to be successful.

Networking is work and putting forth an effort, but the rewards are worth it!

Until the next blog, Keep Speaking!


Denise Ann Galloni, Owner & President

DG Training Solutions, Inc.




